Saturday, October 4, 2008

Internet is a technology breakthrough in Malaysia, which has, makes our life more easy and simple as a human. Back to decade, where the usage of Internet was not that popular among the Malaysians, it will take at least 3 days for someone to send mails or messages but with the function of Internet in nowadays, it only take milliseconds to send mail by pressing the button .The multiple function of Internet may have the good side but there are still some of it’s hidden mines which will not only affect the life of the user but also give rise problem to the country.
Everyday Malaysian are using internet to do different types of routine task, internet has become a part of our life. Internet is a place where Malaysians usually engaging in social interaction and communication. Through internet, we can communicate with people in this world. Beside that, we can also post our opinions toward different types of topics.
Besides that, Malaysian can get more information by using internet as resource or using it as a tool to repair. With the unlimited information in the internet, it becomes a education tool in this modern world. Learning directly through web page has prepared more flexible courses compare to the conventional courses. People who wish to upgrade themselves can use
e-learning will gain more information because they do not have to be in the same location at the same time, so that they could save up more time for their family.
Furthermore, internet can be treated as e-trade. Malaysians can do buying and selling clicking the button on the mouse. For examples e-bay is a big warehouse where you find almost everything from the tiny little white feather to the huge and ugly sin.
On the other hand, Internet is also a window for patient education among Malaysians. It is used to meet a wide range of international and support needs that might otherwise be unmet. Patients can understand their diseases through internet source. They can also ask formulate question during healthcare or prevention is being apply in their family as the wise man once said “precaution is the better than cure”, there is no other effective ways to cure disease other than precaution and prevention.

Although Malaysian can get more information form internet, but because of people spent long time in front of the computer, it will causing people get disease as red-eyes disease, back spine disease and more seriously which cause them cannot have their rest on time. Due to the lacking of sleep or rest, it will further cause them to lose concentration in class or workplace which give rise of many others problems among the Malaysians such as easily get angry, high tension, bad health, get left behind in study or work and etceteras.
Although there are millions of people claimed that Internet has allowed them to do their job more easily but there is still a minor part from the society claimed that the usage of Internet for a long time will cause the users addict to Internet and maintain their life based on Internet. These people are those with high rates of loneliness, high depression, and social isolated in real life because they spend most of their time in front of the computer but hardly speak with the family members and linked to the decline of relationship between the families in Malaysia. Sometimes due to it’s efficiency and easily spread function, some people are taking this advantage as a tool to post out fake sentences which can destroy someone’s good name. More seriously, misuse of Internet may cause misunderstanding between two countries, which leads to war, and that why we should take it seriously when using Internet.
As a conclusion, Internet has made our life easier in Malaysia. Although there are some cases that causes by Internet arise in Malaysia. But we have to understand that it is not Internet doing the crime itself but being control by the human to do crime. Actually the usages of Internet are depends on the needs and goals of the users. So there are no certain systems to determine the advantages and disadvantages for Internet in Malaysia but it are the user’s behavior and morality, to which side the user had chosen.